Light-weight ceramic proppants are aimed at the largest well population

Ceramic proppants can be subdivided into three groups: lightweight, intermediate density, and high density. As the density of a ceramic proppant increases, so does its alumina content and strength – but also cost. Lightweight proppants are the most widely used of the ceramic family and are aimed at the largest well population. They have a similar bulk density and specific gravity to frac sand, but have a high conductivity and are chemically inert. Lightweight proppants tend to be used for oil extraction from fairly shallow wells, and can withstand pressures up to 7,000 psi.

 Counter to light-weight ceramic proppant, with a higher alumina content, intermediate density proppants tend to have good crush resistance and are usually effective at pressures of up to 10,000 psi. They are usually selected for wells with a moderate depth, to aid extraction of oil and gas.

High density ceramic proppants are usually manufactured from sintered bauxite, which is derived from the abrasive grade of the mineral. Abrasive grade bauxite is otherwise predominantly used to produce abrasive- and refractory-grade brown fused alumina. This is kind of familiar with light-weight ceramic proppant.


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