Ceramic proppant,ceramic sand

Ceramic proppant becomes very prevalent. Ceramic proppant isn't nearly as old or as prevalent as frac sand energy, which goes back centuries. The ceramic proppant of today is quite different, of course, due to the evolution of technology. The oil and gas drilling industry needs the ceramic proppant.

 This year and last, the industry underwent a period of natural selection when a drop in oil and gas prices sent ceramic proppant needs through the floor. A number of companies failed to make it through; the ones that did were hurt. But the interest in drilling oil and gas more profitable has not settled... Earlier this week, Jeff Siegel told you about an article on a oil and gas company that claimed its technology would reduce ceramic proppant costs by up to 20%.

 And we've been following something even better... This ceramic proppant technology can reduce the costs by up to half. Strangely enough, the company that makes it isn't even an oil and gas company — it's a tech company. This little outfit has the potential to completely revolutionize the way the oil and gas drilling industry functions. Developments like this will be the key to making ceramic proppant prices equal to other energy sources.

 There's no telling if Congress will renew the ceramic proppant credits, so ceramic proppant might take some time... but you can be sure revolutionary ceramic proppant technologies will continue to be developed and perfected.


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