Rotary kiln | Rotary kiln shell | rotary kiln tire ring | Thrust roller kiln

Rotary kiln shell: It is the main body of the rotary kiln, rotary kiln shell plate thickness of about 40mm steel, tires near the ring, because the load is relatively large, rotary kiln here to be thicker steel shell. Kiln shell with a layer of 200mm internal puzzle about the bricks. Kiln shell in operation, because of the relationship between temperature and load-bearing, rotary kiln will be elliptical shell-type deformation, which would put pressure on the brick kiln, brick kiln affect the life. In the rotary kiln about one meter long tail where the cone, the feed from the machine room to warm up the material can be more smoothly into the rotary kiln.

Rotary kiln tire ring:support rollers, bearings, tires and support rollers are used to ring to support the weight of the rotary kiln used. Tire ring is set in the kiln shell, between it and the kiln shell is not fixed, rotary kiln shell and tire ring plus a piece of iron between the separated ring and the tire to retain a certain gap between the kiln shell, not too much not too small. If the gap is too small, the expansion of the rotary kiln shell limited by the tire ring, brick kiln easy to destroy. If the gap is too large, the kiln shell and the relative movement between the tire ring, friction is more interest, but also make an elliptical deformation of the rotary kiln shell is more serious. Usually between the two, add oil. I am the door with the child through the kiln shell relative motion between the ring is estimated to the kiln shell with elliptical deformation. Rotary kiln shell and tire ring exists between thermal conductivity differences, it is necessary to help with the windmill outside the kiln shell heat balance reduces the temperature difference between the two. Otherwise the kiln shell expansion will be limited tire ring. In the open kiln, the kiln shell heating rate higher than the tire ring, rotary kiln workers must control the heating rate 50 ℃/ h, so beneficial to protect the kiln brick. Than the bandwidth of roller wheels are usually 50-100mm mm, roller bearing is used babbitt, if the loss of lubricating bearings, rotary bearings will burn out due to high temperature. Bearing at all on cooling water cooling. Rotary kiln shell to reduce the thermal radiation of the tire ring, resulting in roller temperature is too high, between the two are added with insulation board to reduce heat radiation. Rotary kiln generally 2 to 3 groups of group wheel.

Thrust roller rotary kiln: a roller thrust is to restrict eating or eat when the rotary limit switch. Support the child because the wheel wider than the rotary kiln, for the wheel and tire can be moved up and down, wear uniform. In the fetal face with thrust ring roller. Thrust roller just play the role of blocking, wheel itself is not power. Rotary kiln body is by eating eat wheel deviation, the wheel and the center line of a certain angle rotary kiln, rotary kiln to roller to force the body upward, move on to the rotary kiln shell. Sometimes sprinkle some of the raw material powder or clean the wheel, increasing the friction coefficient, but also allows rotary body move.rotary Kiln eating, as long as the wheel and tire sprinkled between the graphite and reduce friction between the two either. When the rotary switch Y1 touched eat, eat the hydraulic system began operation, the hydraulic system to eat one minute, stop 4 minutes, then eat one minutes repeat the action to stop four minutes, until the ring touches the rotary kiln tire position to Y5 . At this time began to eat rotary kiln, hydraulic pressure relief system for 2 minutes, stop 4 minutes, then repeat the action. Touch the body until the rotary kiln has to eat to location Y1. Can repeat the above process. Stop action in the hydraulic system when the internal pressure constant. Hydraulic systems have three limit switches. Eat, if Y1 switch is faulty, the rotary kiln experience touched Y second switch, the system will alarm if they reach to the third channel switch, the system will jump.Rotary kiln eating, if the first switch is faulty, then the rotary kiln switch in the goes to the second, the system will alarm, but it will not bump, because the restrictions thrust roller rotary kiln shell eating limits.


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